
Showing posts from June 15, 2012

Guest Blogger Mike Lummis Reviews Lawrence & Holloman, a Dark Canadian Comedy

Jerry Schaefer as Holloman & Trent McMullen as Lawrence Lawrence & Holloman Starring Jerry Schaefer & Trent McMullen Written by Morris Panych Directed by Jane Ford A Scrim For Rent Production Morris Panych’s Lawrence & Holloman is a darkly comic tale about the destructive nature of envy. Holloman ( Jerry Schaefer ), a nebbish, awkward, sad-sack pessimist envies his “friend,” the handsome, energetic, self-adoring dimwit, Lawrence ( Trent McMullen ). What makes the play so wickedly funny is the element of “friendship.” Even though Lawrence and Holloman only met two days ago, Lawrence considers Holloman someone he can trust and confide in. If the characters were sworn enemies the play would fall flat. What also makes this show so hilarious is the play of opposites at work between the two characters. Pessimist/Optimist. Extrovert/Introvert. Intellect/Dunce. Blissful/Miserable. Holloman’s pessimism stems from his viewpoint that the world is a place wh...