
Showing posts from April 24, 2011

Quattro Books Launch and a host of other happenings

There’s so much going on lately. First off, I experienced my first Quattro Launch last Tuesday night. The author readings were spectacular – it was their night. Even the author introductions were riveting. John Calabro introduced Vanessa Smith, author of the novella Grace . We learned how John met Vanessa at a writer’s festival. John read Vanessa's blog and found her to be a talented writer. As it turned out, Vanessa was working on her story Grace , which John asked to see. The rest is history. A.F. Moritz introduced poet Luciano Iacobelli, author of Book of Disorders . We learned from Moritz that Luciano lives in such an eclectic apartment that it should be called a “togetherment”. Moritz ended by saying that Luciano is a poet who addresses the reality that thought and passion are not separate – but one. With incredible ease and charm, Beatriz Hausner introduced poet Rob Rolfe, author of Saugeen . Apparently Rob’s book needed little to no editing – but then again...