
Showing posts from March 17, 2013

11 Ways to Beat Writer’s Block

Those who say that there's no such thing as writer's block are just trying to cheer us up. It's real all right.  When you're putting off writing, sometimes all you need is a different approach. Here are some ways to fall in love with writing again... 1. Try a different genre. Read all different kinds of writing. Maybe one particular genre will strike you in a new way and you'll finally realize what you're meant to be writing. Sometimes if you're blocked, it's because the ideas that you want to explore need a different form. 2. Brainstorm.  Whatever form of writing you decide to do, brainstorming is always a great next step. Make a list of ideas and pick the most promising one and give it a try. Looking to write a novel? Brainstorm story ideas and then write loglines for each story. It's a bit like a scavenger hunt. But when you hit on the right idea, I'd like to see if you can stop yourself from writing.  3. Set some wr...